Sunday School

In Scripture, we find that Christian education is the responsibility of both the parents and the church, with the intention of complimenting and reinforcing each other.

We approach our children’s Sunday School by asking the following questions:

“What are the essentials of the Christian faith, and how do we pass them on to our youth?”

“When today’s young Christians reach adulthood, are they equipped to face the world and defend their faith, effectively serve the church, engage in godly relationships, and bless their families and societies?”

“Are modern day Sunday School curriculums properly preparing our children to glorify God and enjoy Him forever?”

Periodically, NCF’s CCE Ministry Team, consisting of young adults and parents, meet to answer these questions to assure that our children are being equipped for the work of the ministry. Our gifted teachers and visionaries are periodically examining current Sunday School curricula and educational resources in order to map out a systematic program that age-appropriately addresses the essential doctrinal and cultural issues of the faith. To educate is to prepare for a future task. By partnering with parents, it is our goal to intentionally prepare these children from birth to 18 years of age to become an integral part in the kingdom of God, to “attain the measure of the stature which belongs to the fullness of Christ.”

Currently, we begin by introducing our little ones to God through Bible stories and Scripture memory. As they progress, they will enter into a two year study of the progress of redemption, putting all of the pieces together to the beautiful story of the gospel. Our youth students are taught how to study the Bible, and then they use their skills to answer the challenges they face at their age and in their culture, such as dating, entertainment, drugs and purity. The youth also studies age relevant topics as well, but also wrestles with theology and weighty, important doctrines. They are afforded and challenged as mature Christians to serve the body by teaching and investing in the lives of those under them.

Specifically, New Covenant Fellowship offers a variety of educational opportunities for families. Starting at ages 4-5 we have a beginner’s class. Your first through third grader can join our Primary class. The Intermediate class is for grades four through six. The youth class is for sixth through twelfth grade. The students in this class are also trained to teach Sunday School. We encourage family attendance in our Sunday School program. Our adult class tackles books of the Bible, relevant topical studies, and encourages discussion and personal application of God’s transforming truths.

Ephesians 4:11-13: “And He gave some as apostles, and some as prophets, and some as evangelists, and some as pastors and teachers, for the equipping of the saints for the work of service, to the building up of the body of Christ; until we all attain to the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to a mature man, to the measure of the stature which belongs to the fullness of Christ.” (NASB)

Time and Location

Sunday School begins at 9:30AM. The adult class is held in the sanctuary and the children's classes are located in the downstairs classrooms. Please join us! We’d love to have you.