As with all ministries in New Covenant Fellowship, the youth ministry exists primarily to glorify God. The motto of the youth ministry is, “Don’t let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in life, in love, in faith and in purity.” (1 Timothy 4:12).
The goal of the ministry is to shape maturing teens into young adults who love and worship Jesus Christ, by providing contexts for them to experience, apply, and proclaim the glorious gospel.
MIDweek music
Playlist for the Youth
Meetings and Activities
When active, the structure of the youth ministry consists of small group meetings, as well as other special events throughout the year. The meetings provide an opportunity for youth to take an active role through prayer, worship, service, testimonies, etc. They are also used as a platform for teaching about biblical expectations for young adults and teen/parent relationships.
Teachings are often discussed and applied through biblical fellowship at small group meetings where every member is expected to participate. Recreational and service activities provide additional opportunities for fellowship and relational development.
We see God’s faithfulness in revealing Himself to many of the youth as they recognize their need for the Savior. The fruit is abundant as many of the youth assume their places as vital members of the church community by serving alongside the adults. The youth are seeing New Covenant Fellowship as their own church, not simply one they attend with their parents.