To worship God is to revere Him in attitude and serve Him in life. It is to reverently bow down, serve and ascribe worth to Him.
The goal of NCF worship is to passionately serve, delight, glorify and draw near to a worthy God through sincere, humble hearts, a sure faith and expressions of praise. Praising God is not an option, but a duty and delight.
The NCF worship team desires to use their god-given musical and vocal talents to proclaim the excellencies and promote the exaltation of a worthy God. Our worship consists of contemporary Christian music, praise songs and traditional hymns. We are intentionally god-centered and we desire to passionately engage with the living God as we offer Him the sacrifice of praise.
In addition to weekly Sunday morning times of praise are seasonal specials performed by the choir and other talented individuals. We also desire to integrate our young and upcoming musicians into our family, so to see a child or teen sing or strum a guitar or play their first praise song on the piano as an act of worship is not an unusual sight at NCF.
Psalm 149:1 “Praise the Lord! Sing to the Lord a new song, And His praise in the congregation of the godly ones.” (NASB)
Worship Music
A Playlist
Have a song suggestion?
Send your song suggestions to the team and they will check them out! Fill out the contact form making the subject “Song Suggestion’.
Our Current Worship Team: Drake, Jess, Jessie, Noah